Rev. Dr. Katie O'Dunne
Rev. Dr. Katie O'Dunne founded and leads an inclusive virtual community for those navigating faith and OCD called Stick with the Ick. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, she spent 7 years as the Academy Chaplain and Chair of Religious Studies at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, simultaneously consulting on interfaith programming nationwide. Drawing on this experience, Katie educates clinicians and clergy, promoting culturally responsive treatment across religious/spiritual traditions. She leads the IOCDF Faith & OCD Action Council, consults on Religion & OCD with OCDI Texas, and received Vanderbilt’s Doctor of Ministry Award for Distinction in Integrative Care Practices.

Vanderbilt Divinity School - Doctor of Ministry in Integrative Chaplaincy
Award for Distinction in Integrative Care Practices
August 2021-May 2024
GPA: 4.0
Mental Health Integration for Chaplain Services - Intensive Training
August 2021-December 2022
Candler School of Theology at Emory University - Master of Divinity with Certificate of Faith and Health
Atlanta, GA — September 2012 - May 2015
GPA: 3.894
Elon University - B.A. in Human Services & Religious Studies
Elon, North Carolina — September 2008 - May 2012
GPA: 3.983
Vanderbilt Doctor of Ministry Award - Distinction in Integrative Care Practices (2024)
Vanderbilt Divinity Merit Scholarship (2021-2024)
International OCD Foundation - Advocate Spirit Award (2023)
Interfaith Atlanta Airport Chaplaincy Board of Directors (2021)
Phoenix Tribute (2021)
Sims Garrett Scholarship, Full Tuition (2012-2015)
John D. And Alice Slay Award Nominee (2014)
Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Nominee (2014)
Member in Discernment in the Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ (2014)
Phi Beta Kappa (2012)
NCAA Southern Conference Bob McCloskey Insurance Graduate Scholarship (2012)
President's List (2008-2011)
Charles D. Johnson Ministerial Scholarship (2011-2012)
Religious Studies Scholar Award (2011)
Zint Family Scholarship (2011-2012)
W.L. Monroe Christian Education and Personality Award (2011)
SURF Speaker on Female Ordination (2011)
Tau Upsilon Alpha, Human Services Honors Society (2011-Present)
Phi Kappa Phi, Academic Honors Society (2011-Present)
Academic All-Conference Team (2011)
Academic All-District Team (2011)
Theta Alpha Kappa, Religious Studies Honors Society (2010-Present)
Rawles Religious Studies Scholarship (2010-2011)
Celebrate! Service Learning Speaker on Developmental Disability (2010)
Outstanding Service-Learning Paper Nominee (2010)
SoCon Commissioner’s Medal (2008-2010)
Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society (2009-Present)
Presidential Scholarship (2008-2012)
Founder, Stick with the Ick (formerly Faith & Mental Health Integrative Services)
January 2022-Present
Lead an international, inclusive virtual scrupulosity community app for clinicians, clergy, and individuals with OCD
Help individuals with OCD and related disorders live into their faith traditions in value-driven ways as they navigate evidence-based treatment
Offer Interfaith Literacy for ERP Courses for Clinicians and Support Without Reassurance Courses for Clergy
Support individuals with OCD, clinicians/OCD treatment centers, and faith leaders
Facilitate the process of separating faith from OCD during ERP, reconnecting with faith in a value-driven way, embracing uncertainty, and engaging in exposures with a focus on cultural competence
Work directly alongside clinicians as an adjunct to ERP so that we can integrate a client's specific religious background respectfully into their exposures
Use extensive experience as an interfaith chaplain & education as a faith/mental health integrative specialist to help clients uncover their own uniquely beautiful beliefs through a spiritual application of ACT, without imposing personal theology
Develop an assessment tool for clergy to be certified in ethical faith-based understanding work alongside clinicians specializing in ERP
Academy Chaplain / The Pauline and R.L. Jr. ‘35 Chair of Religious Studies
Atlanta, GA — 2015-2022
Develop a project-based model for Comparative Religions that fosters empathy/religious literacy & teach 150 Upper School students per year
Provide pastoral care to 600 faculty/staff and 2,700 students in times of joy and crisis from an interfaith perspective
Coordinate age-appropriate religious life activities for PK-12th grade on two campuses
Serve on the Woodward Council and other boards/committees to provide a voice for all faiths
Manage the Religious Life budget/endowment
Create the Chaplain’s Council made up of 20 student leaders from various faith backgrounds for student-led faith initiatives on campus
Lead interfaith prayer services and other religious understanding initiatives
Lead the invocation, benediction, and prayers at all major campus events (Opening of School, Veteran’s Day, Founder’s Day, Baccalaureate, Commencement, etc.)
Serve as a calming presence on campus engaged in student life
Create/facilitate DEI workshops while encouraging faculty to create safe spaces for students
Lead policy revisions to better support our transgender and non-binary students
OCD Advocate
Lead advocate on the National Level for the International OCD Foundation (2021-2024)
Vice President of the OCD Georgia Board of Directors (2021)
Assisted with planning & leadership of the first IOCDF Faith & Mental Health Conference (2021)
Planned, facilitated, & moderated the first Southeast Regional OCD Conference (2021)
Plans/facilitates/speaks at multiple mental health conferences per year with the IOCDF & local affiliates
Center for Spiritual & Ethical Education
Planned & facilitated annual School Chaplaincy Conference
Planned & facilitated annual Grief Conference
Regular publications on chaplaincy, grief, and interfaith programming
Consultant helping schools build & assess interfaith chaplaincy programs
Student Minister, Kirkwood United Church of Christ
Atlanta, GA — 8/14-8/15
Program Intern, Back on My Feet
Atlanta, GA — 5/14-8/14
Clinical Pastoral Education, Atlanta VA Medical Center
Atlanta, GA — 6/13-8/13​
Pastoral Care Intern, Twin Lakes Continuing Care Retirement Community
Burlington, NC — 3/11-5/11​
Case Management Intern, Family Abuse Services
Burlington, NC — 5/10-7/10​
Service-Learning Intern, Ralph Scott Lifeservices for Individuals Experiencing Developmental Disabilities
Burlington, NC — 9/09-12/09​
Student Ambassador & Peer Advisor, Candler School of Theology at Emory University
Atlanta, GA — 9/12-5/15​